If you want to make inquiries on our program, write to: ritiri@ligmincha.it
Necessary Means for a better understanding of Dzogchen
February 19th - 20th, 2022
with Choekhortshang Rinpoche

In this course Rinpoche will provide instructions and explanations about the most common terms and topics used in Dzogchen teachings in Bön tradition. This opportunity is intended to increase and perfected the knowledge and awareness of both senior and new practitioners.

The 12 Little Tantras of Bön Dzogchen
May 13th - 15th, 2022
with Choekhortshang Rinpoche
This retreat will be hybrid: onsite for restricted number of people and online.

Dzogchen, or the Great Perfection, is considered to be the culmination of all spiritual teachings. The philosophical view of the Great Perfection introduces the individual to the knowledge of reality, which is one with the enlightened state of all beings, Kuntu Zangpo.
The 12 Little Tantras from Bön tradition is a teaching which pursue very deeply into the essence of Great Perfection and guide directly to the meaning of self-realization by essential instructions from the Oral Transmission of Zhang Zhung.

Ma Gyu cycle (partI) - Dream Yoga
November 18th - 20th, 2022
with Choekhortshang Rinpoche
This will be the first retreat of a six years cycle of teaching on Ma Gyu (Mother Tantra) that will take place in Italy with Choekhortshang Rinpoche.
In the Ma Gyu there are six main teachings: Dream Yoga, Sleep Yoga, Chod, Phowa, Bardo and Tummo.
Dream yoga is a way to discover in one’s sleep, a hidden space, in which to practice meditation —and further one’s spiritual development. We spend one-third of our life asleep, so actually you can use sleep and dream as a way of practicing. In the Tibetan tradition, the ability to dream lucidly is not an end in itself, rather, it provides additional context in which one can engage in advanced and effective practices to achieve liberation.
Per informazioni sul Calendario Internazionale 2022 di Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche,
in merito ai ritiri e seminari, insegnamenti e corsi online, visita la pagina con il programma, cliccando qui sotto: